Nice Guy Eddie: Yeah I'm sorry, I should have picked you up myself. This whole week has been fucked up, I've had my head up my ass the whole time. Mr. Blonde: You know, that's funny, 'cause that's what me and your dad were just talkin' about. Nice Gu...
Milt Shaw: You know, Ray, your contract with Atlantic expires in 4 months. Ray Charles: Yeah, I know. Ahmet and Jerry sent me my new contract. They're gonna double my royalties. Milt Shaw: Before we go down that road again I thought I'd check and see...
[deleted scene] Oberon: I asked Marlene for a raise the other day. You know what she said. She said I should be grateful I ain't back at the circus, getting out of a car with ten other midgets. Ray Charles: That's Marlene. Oberon: Bitch knew just how...
Merry Men: [singing] Ta da, da da da da - whoo! Monsieur Hood: I steal from the rich and give to the needy... Merry Man: He takes a wee percentage... Monsieur Hood: But I'm not greedy - I rescue pretty damsels, man I'm good! Merry Men: What a guy, ha...
Gorgeous George: Get back down or you will not be coming up next time. [watches as Mickey warms up] Gorgeous George: Oh, bollocks to you. This is sick. I'm out of here. Mickey: You're not going anywhere, you thick lump. [Pulls off his shirt] Mickey: ...
Alex Denovitz: What about Tony? [Cut back and forth between Doug's office and a younger Tony in Charlie's brothel] Alex Denovitz: You know, Bullet Tooth Tony. Avi: Who's Bullet Tooth...? Charlie: Tony! Bullet Tooth Tony: You silly fuck. Doug the Head...
[Warden Norton visits Andy in solitary] Warden Samuel Norton: I'm sure by now you've heard. Terrible thing. Man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape... Broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot him, truly it did. We just have to put it be...
Sarah Connor: [narrating] Dyson listened while the Terminator laid it all down: Skynet, Judgment Day, the history of things to come. It's not everyday you find out that you're responsible for three billion deaths. He took it pretty well. Miles Dyson:...
[first lines] 40-Year-Old Mattie: People do not give it credence that a young girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood. But it did happen. I was just 14 years of age when a coward by the name of Tom Chaney shot ...
Rooster Cogburn: At The Green Frog, had a billiard table. Served ladies and men both, mostly men. Tried running it myself for a while, but couldn't keep good help. And I never did learn how to buy meat. Is it him? Mattie Ross: [Examining hanging body...
Howard: Aah, gold's a devilish sort of thing, anyway. You start out, you tell yourself you'll be satisfied with 25,000 handsome smackers worth of it. So help me, Lord, and cross my heart. Fine resolution. After months of sweatin' yourself dizzy, and ...
Randolph Duke: Exactly why do you think the price of pork bellies is going to keep going down, William? Billy Ray Valentine: Okay, pork belly prices have been dropping all morning, which means that everybody is waiting for it to hit rock bottom, so t...
Sergeant: [he can't see what Andy is holding up] It's a... Rex: It's A WHAT? WHAT IS IIIITTTTT? [Rex shakes the table, inadvertently knocking off the TalkBoy and causing the batteries to fall out] Rex: Oh, no! Mr. Potato Head: Oh, ya big lizard! Now ...
[Truman attempts to leave his town and a convoy of cars pulls in front of him to block his exit] Truman Burbank: Blocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized, don't you agree? Meryl: You're blaming me for the traffic? Truman Burbank: Should I? Mer...
Sebastian Shaw: Erik, what a pleasant surprise. So good to see you again. May I ask you something? Why are you on their side? Why fight for a doomed race who will hunt us down as soon as they realize their reign is coming to an end? I'm sorry for wha...
Bromhead: [mounted, crossing stream] Hot work? Lieutenant John Chard: [kneeling in stream] Damned hot work. Bromhead: Still, the river cooled you off a bit though, eh? [pause] Bromhead: Who are you? Lieutenant John Chard: John Chard, Royal Engineers....
Patsey: I went to Massa Shaw's plantation! Edwin Epps: Ya admit it. Patsey: Freely. And you know why? [she produces a piece of soap from the pocket of her dress] Patsey: I got this from Mistress Shaw. Mistress Epps won't even grant me no soap ta clea...
CAPCOM 2: 13, we just got another request from the Flight Surgeon for you to get some sleep. Don't like these readings down here. Jim Lovell: [Tearing off his biomeds] Let's see how he likes this. I am sick and tired of the entire western world knowi...
Elaine Miller: May I speak with William, please? Sapphire: He's not here. He's down in the bar with the band. They just got back from the radio station. Is this Maryann with the pot?... Hello? Elaine Miller: No, this is not Maryann with the pot. This...
Charley Ford: Hey, Dick, you ever diddled a squaw? Dick Liddil: Shh... Charley Ford: Come on, you can tell me. I've always wanted to lay down with a redskin. Dick Liddil: Well, Charley, there's a feeling that comes over you gettin' inside a woman who...
Reed Rothchild: TODD... PARKER! Todd Parker: Rockin' Reed Rothchild! Reed Rothchild: You made it! Woo-Hoo! Todd Parker: Amazing party, man! Fuckin' chicks everywhere! Reed Rothchild: You bet. Compliments of Jack Horner. Thank you. Todd Parker: I woul...