Honestly, I have a tendency to date dorks. Which means that a lot of times, I date guys that no one else would deem to be a hunk.
I am a man, and nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me.
In religious circles, depression is often deemed to be a spiritual condition that can be cured with prayer.
Antique things have an appreciation and worth. Something can be old, but it can be timeless; therefore, it becomes an antique. If this antique is preserved and deemed precious, it could be passed down as a family heirloom.
Lo! A call for a bloody trial- Retribution should it hail! Whose? you ask, For he that deems it a worthy task!
Poverty doesn't make parents unfit any more than wealth deems them appropriate.
Perhaps, there is no such person who can be called truly free, but only those who can be deemed so by comparison.
In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.
They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. -Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE)
The fallacy in the progressive critique is the egalitarian dogma that no one should get more than what liberals deem is a 'fair' reward, nor should there be any risk to anyone to fail.
What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?
The most gratifying action plan that one can conceive is one that others deem unattainable only to be proven wrong.
I really have to edit myself - I need someone with a censor button around me all the time. I'm just a little unaware of what's deemed appropriate.
It was under a solemn consciousness of the dangers from ecclesiastical ambition, the bigotry of spiritual pride, and the intolerance of sects... that is was deemed advisable to exclude from the national government all power to act upon the subject.
I learned a couple things. The government can do to you whatever they want. They can break the laws, federal laws, as they see fit... You can't turn laws on and off as you deem fit.
The tantrums of cloth-headed celluloid idols are deemed fit for grown-up conversation, while silence settles over such a truly important matter as food.
There were people who incorporated melody before me, but I would deem myself the first person to successfully rap and sing.
Those who have committed no faults want no pardon. We are only defending what we deem our indisputable rights.
In early church polemics, Jews are deemed no longer worthy of their own Scriptures because they have failed to accept Christ as the Messiah.
If we find life out there, and it's not us, we will deem it not intelligent. But what may be equally as likely is that we find life that's vastly more intelligent than we are. If that's the case, we are putty in their hands.
I don't know how a judge can concentrate on being fair and impartial when he or she is faced with possible jail time for making a decision that others deem incorrect.