In a world so empty of human life, there was comfort in the thought that an invisible realm of spirits was aware of their existence, cared about their actions, and perhaps directed their steps. Even a stern or inimical spirit who cared enough to dema...
The truth is that, just as in the other imitative arts one imitation is always of one thing, so in poetry the story, as an imitation of action, must represent one action, a complete whole, with its several incidents so closely connected that the tran...
Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations. Plot is observed after the fact rather than before. It cannot precede action. It is the chart that remains when an a...
Galvanized people can do careless things. It is in the extreme and emotion-laden moments that distance and coolness are most required. I am tempted to howl in rage. It is not my place to do so. My job is to try to dissect the event, place it in conte...
My teacher, Ben Johnston, was convinced that our tuning is responsible for much of our cultural psychology, the fact that we are so geared toward progress and action and violence and so little attuned to introspection, contentment, and acquiescence. ...
Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone.
Form is useful, but it is secondary.
On ACTION: "Stop talking;start DO-ing.
The gods behold all righteous actions.
Every person's every action has an effect.
Action is what makes hope a reality.
I'm surprised sometimes at how some of my actions are misinterpreted.
facing opportunity is inspired action .
Be a poet in action as well as in words.
Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.
The word 'hope' for me is always infused with action.
For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.
You can expect interior enforcement actions in the future.
Inaction may be the biggest form of action.
In action be primitive; in foresight, a strategist.
Only the actions of the just, Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.