I've found, being in Los Angeles, it's like living in a live-action Planet Hollywood.
POLISH your MIND to reflect the shimmering BEAUTY of your WORDS and ACTIONS.
When it comes to learning success, action is your school, and failure your teacher.
If you're not bruised up, then you're not doing an action film in a real way.
I think people have to take responsibility for their own actions.
Loyalty is standing on someone’s side even if their actions are against your will.
Sin is the delusion of our feelings; while crime is the delusion of our actions.
What you feed your soul is what you harvest with your actions.
Each action of the actor on the stage should be the visible concomitant of his thoughts.
I'm ready for some rock 'n' roll action.
Thinking always deceives us when it becomes a substitute for action.
Thought always deceives us, when it becomes a substitute for action.
Action makes more fortune than caution.
Justice is truth in action. ~ BENJAMIN DISRAELI, speech, Feb. 11, 1851
Reconciliation requires changes of heart and spirit, as well as social and economic change. It requires symbolic as well as practical action.
There are two good things in life - freedom of thought and freedom of action.
The aim is to move from doing just action dramas to establishing myself as someone who can do family dramas as well.
But picketing - picketing for or against something, and handing out literature - these are conspicuously formal actions. They have to be understood as indirect communication.
No one in government should ever think that the citizens they work for can't or won't scrutinize their actions.
We want a state wise in its contemplation - just in its actions - and moderate in the reach of government into our lives.
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.