[last lines] One Stab: It was a good death.
Stelios: We are with you, sire! For Sparta, for freedom, to the death!
LIII. What is the holiness of conversation? It is to master death.
The fear of being ridiculed is gruesome than death.
Debt trap can sometimes become a Death trap.
Facing death remind us the purpose of life
I have a rendezvous with death... I will not fail that rendezvous
Is death the last sleep? No, it is the last and final awakening.
Sensationalism dies quickly, fear is long-lived.
Kauf nie ein Buch um der Bewunderung anderer wegen.
Not all. Some of them he probably lectured to death.
Music is not take it or leave it; Music is life or death!
There is something divine in mindless beauty.
I walk with a dual longing for life and for death.
Even death has a heart.
Death comes not to the living soul, nor age to the loving heart.
I never really had to deal with a death in the family, let alone my brother.
Poor Georgia O'Keeffe. Death didn't soften the opinions of the art world toward her paintings.
The distinctions of fine art bore me to death.
He was Death, and he'd ridden in on a pale horse...
Jango danced; and the tune that he danced to was Death.