Sometimes the rues don't work. Sometimes the rules cause the anarchy.
Nothing is ever lost, Sarah. Nothing that can't be found.
I wish this country was run by children
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
A half-dead thing in a stark dead world, clean mad for the muck called gold.
The day after Paul Newman was dead, he was twice as dead.
Music is more difficult - try naming a political band. The Dead Kennedys. The Dead Kennedys are political, but they are more funny than they are political.
They’re dogs. Never trust a man. Even when he’s dead. Especially when he’s dead. — Bats 2015
I ought not to speak about the dead because the dead are all over the place.
I never speak ill of dead people or live judges.
Bobbie Joe: I hope you rot down there!
Ash: [as all the knights start hailing him] No. Nooo, Noooo... noooo! NOOOOOO!
Rosemary Woodhouse: Oh, God! Roman Castevet: God is dead! Satan lives!
People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White House.
A dead man does not know where his grave is.
Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.
Better one living word than a hundred dead ones.
When a dead tree falls, the woodpeckers profit from his death.
The living are denied a table; the dead get a whole coffin.
Better ruined ten times than dead once.