[coming across a Zombie storage room] Roger: Why did these people keep them here? Peter: 'Cause they still believe there's respect in dying.
Radio Announcer: [on Emergency Broadcast System] The President today has sent to Congress a package of initiatives, aimed at what sources call a most sweeping sense of emergency measures.
Dr. Millard Rausch, Scientist: [on Emergency Television Network] If there was ever a time a decision had to be made, it's now, now! Someone's got to come up with a plan!
John McClane: [after witnessing Mr. Takagi's murder] [talking to himself] John McClane: Why the fuck didn't you stop 'em, John? 'Cause then you'd be dead, too, asshole.
Nobody: Every night and every morn, some to misery are born. Every morn and every night, some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to sweet delight; some are born to endless night.
Marvin (Older Marshall): You William Blake? William Blake: Yes, I am. Do you know my poetry?
[William has just discovered a colt in Thel's bed] Thel Russell: Watch it. It's loaded. William Blake: Why do you have this? Thel Russell: Because this is America.
Big George: By God, I'm hit. Lord have mercy. Burns like hellfire. You son of a bitch. I'm gonna have to kill somebody now.
Big George: Well Sally, I don't give a pig's ass what anybody says, I still say you make a hell of a pot of beans.
Nobody: You are being followed, William Blake. William Blake: Are you sure? How do you know? Nobody: Often the evil stench of white man precedes him.
William Blake: I came here to talk about my job. John Dickinson: The only job you're goin' to get is pushing up daisies from a pine box.
John Keating: I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling! I would go to the beach and people would kick copies of Byron in my face!
Neil: [talking angrily to Todd] You're in the club! Being in the club means being stirred up by things! You look about as stirred up as a cesspool!
Richard: You know why people give kids drugs? So they can control their minds. 'Cause they're fucking weak-minded themselves.
Richard: [to Mark] You, you were supposed to be a monster - now I'm the fucking beast. There's blood on my hands, from what you made me do.
Richard: Was he screaming my name? When they were torturing him... was he screaming my name? Mark: Yes Richard: He's still screaming my name
Sister Helen Prejean: Show me some respect, Matthew. Matthew Poncelet: Why? 'Cause you're a nun? Sister Helen Prejean: Because I'm a person.
Matthew Poncelet: I just wanna say I think killin' is wrong, no matter who does it, whether it's me or y'all or your government.
Sister Helen Prejean: Look at you. Death is looking down your neck, and you're playing your little male come-on games.
[to Ash, after picking up a ceremonial dagger adorned with skulls] Scotty: This kinda looks like your old girlfriend! Ha ha ha.
[Nurses attempt to wake a sickly man] Jim: Can I have his shoes when he's dead? Dr. Rawlins: God you're a pragmatist, Jim.