I love to swim, and I love being near water.
I love the structural part of the writing process.
Skid Row would probably be my favorite Jersey band.
There was no romance about the mosquitos, however.
Kitchens are for conversation. They're not just for cooking; they're for conversations.
Airplanes are interesting toys, but of no military value.
Male bonobos really don't fit the human male ideal.
I suppose we all lie to ourselves sometimes.
What is another person's pleasure is another's poison.
White is pure and simple and matches with everything.
Meaning is socially, historically, and rhetorically constructed.
There's always some kind of hidden logic.
Italy is a divided country without a center.
The world needs some excitement from fashion.
I never loved the world around me as it was.
A woman carries her clothes. But the shoe carries the woman.
Fashion isn't interesting when it comes from an uninspired place.
You have it or you don't... I think I have it.
I don't like the way I ever appear on TV.
Poker has such an element of competitivness that other games don't have.
The Bishop moves diagonally forwards or backwards, to the extent of the Board.