She tugged warningly on his shirt. "I am serious! Are you going to marry me, Sean? Finally?" He smiled, and the light of his smile filled his eyes. "Damn it, Elle! Will you not let me take the lead? Ladies do not propose marriage!" ~Sean O'Neill & El...
Everyone watched, wondering if this could be the same lunatic who'd nearly berthed his ornithopter in the restaurant. I swallowed, for it seemed he was headed straight for my table. He pulled off his helmet and a mass of dark auburn hair spilled out....
N matter how stressed Claire became, the tropical trees and exotic island flowers decorating the lobby always managed to take her breath away and put her mind at ease. Nature had always been a good de-stressor for her coming in close behind having he...
Der Mensch ist entweder im Stande, rechtswidrig zu handeln oder er ist es nicht, denn dazwischen gibt es nichts Drittes und Mittleres. Durch diese Fähigkeit wird er strafbar, durch seine Eigenschaft der Strafbarkeit wird er Rechtsperson, und als Rec...
Il n'y a qu'une seule liberté, se mettre en règle avec la mort. Après quoi, tout est possible. Je ne puis te forcer à croire en Dieu. Croire en Dieu, c'est accepter la mort. Quand tu auras accepté la mort, le problème de Dieu sera résolu - et ...
Era una estupidez total, yo tenía solo veinticuatro años; pero por no perderla habría hecho lo que fuera, un hijo, una boda, endeudarme durante treinta años, el coquetón piso de tres habitaciones y el monovolumen, por sus preciosos ojos habría ...
Esfalfado, chegou ao cimo da lomba o autocarroda madrugada, anunciando o burburinho da rua, os pregões, o frenesi do tráfego que estremecia na ossatura das casas, o despertar fatigado das pessoas, que iam renovar a vida com azedume (renovar, não: ...
C’est la nature avant tout qui doit nous inspirer car elle est la seule garante véritable de notre pérennité. Sans elle, aucun projet n’est assuré d’un lendemain.
Instauramos unas reglas mágicas para esas partidas de ping-pong. El ganador podía hacer lo que quisiese con el cuerpo del otro, salvo besarlo en los labios. Sucedía que el que perdía era tan feliz como el que ganaba.
Apertei a cadeira com mais força e tentei respirar por entre os dentes, mas o ar parecia pesado. Não podia entrar em pânico agora. Liam pousou a mão dele sobre a minha e senti o mundo à minha volta desaparecer. Como se ele fosse capaz de cobrir ...
The front room of his house was what I called 'untidy chic'. Prefects weren't subject to the same Rules on room tidiness, but since no one really enjoyed clutter, a certain style of ordered untidiness was generally considered de couleur for a prefect...
—¿Qué tanto me miras? — pregunto con timidez. Podía haberle dicho cualquier cosa, podía haberle dicho que me gustaba su peinado, o que me agradaban loa aretes que traía puestos, pero mi boca se desconectó de mi cuerpo. —Es que eres muy he...
Es mejor soñar una vida que vivirla, aunque vivirla siga siendo soñarla, pero menos misteriosamente y con menos claridad a la vez, con un sueño oscuro y pesado, similar al sueño disperso en la débil conciencia de los animales que rumian.
La familia que te tocó en suerte es importante. La familia que construirás es más importante... Los amigos son la familia que elegiste; a ellos, respeto, amor a raudales, palabras de oro, lealtad absoluta, confianza. Si das tu palabra es como si d...
I made art a philosophy, and philosophy an art: I altered the minds of men, and the colour of things: I awoke the imagination of my century so that it created myth and legend around me: I summed up all things in a phrase, all existence in an epigram:...
Morality does not help me. I am a born antinomian. I am one of those who are made for exceptions, not for laws. But while I see that there is nothing wrong in what one does, I see that there is something wrong in what one becomes. It is well to have ...
look, you know i don't wanna come on ungrateful, but that warren report, you know as well as me, just didn't make it. You know, like they might as well have asked some banana salesman from des moines, who was up in toronto on the big day, if he saw a...
Önce kelime vardı” diye başlıyor Yohanna’ya göre İncil.Kelimelerden önce de Yalnızlık vardı ve kelimeden sonra da var olmaya devam etti yalnızlık.. Kelimenin bittiği yerden başladı. Kelimeler yalnızlığı unutturdu ve yalnızlık...
Cette encombrante enveloppe qu'il lui fallait laver, remplir, réchauffer au coin du feu ou sous la toison d'une bête morte, coucher le soir comme un enfant ou comme un vieillard imbécile, servait contre lui d'otage à la nature entière et, pis en...
... sentia a distância que o separava dela, pois seu modo de falar não era o dela. E mesmo assim era feliz, pois a felicidade, dizia para si mesmo, não é ser amado; isto é uma satisfação misturada com asco para a vaidade. A felicidade é amar ...
When Captain America is in a room full of Marvel superheroes, he is always Top Dog, even though his powers are pretty modest. He could be stood next to Thor, Iron Man, whoever. He is the one that everyone looks up to. To me, that is Superman, too. Ev...