Hukum Islam tidak mempunyai dasar ke-Islam-an (apalagi dasar Qur'an). Hukum Islam adalah hukum Rumawi-Barat, Bizantium, Parsi dan lain-lain yang dipadu, tetapi tidak pernah secara sempurna dengan suatu sistim persyaratan-persyaratan moral yang di "wa...
Adanya keragaman dalam Islam sungguh pun dasar utama dari ajaran islam ialah tawhid, yang mengandung arti penyatuan, telah terlebih dahulu disadari ulama-ulama Islam sendiri. Salah satu dari ulama itu adalah Syah Waliullah dari India. Ia menyadari ba...
Miranda shook her head slowly. 'Good heavens. That's quite an act you put on.' He drew himself up haughtily. 'I beg your pardon.' 'An act,' Miranda repeated. 'Stand as tall as you like, and frown at me all you wish. I saw you just now. You were feedi...
What are you waiting for?" shanna asked. "He's dying! Do it!" Conner looked at Angus. "Ye do it. It was yer idea." "Nay? Ye were the first to suggest it. Ye do it." "I'm no' touching him." Conner said. He nudged Phineas "Ye do it." "I don't even know...
Wie ich heimschritt bemerkte ich mit einemmal vor mir meinen eigenen Schatten so wie ich den Schatten des anderen Krieges hinter dem jetzigen sah. Er ist durch all diese Zeit nicht mehr von mir gewichen dieser Schatten er überhing jeden meiner Gedan...
Of course, he showed me this one afternoon when he was skipping class. When trolls cut classes, you think they are losers. When the beautiful and/or reasonably erudite do the same thing to sit on the library steps and read poetry, you think they are ...
Suddenly reminded, she clapped a hand over her mouth. "Oh—Simon!" "No, I'm Jace," said Jace patiently. "Simon is the weaselly little one with the bad haircut and dismal fashion sense." "Oh, shut up," she replied, but it was more automatic than hear...
Iedereen is zo bang om eenzaam te zijn, alsof aids en eenzaamheid de ergste dingen zijn die een mens kunnen overkomen besmettelijke ziekten zijn het aids door bloed en lichaamsvloeistoffen die zich met elkaar vermengen maar eenzaamheid is toch erger ...
Não basta amar alguém. É preciso amar com coragem. É peciso amar de tal modo que nenhum ladrão, ou má intenção, ou lei, lei divina ou deste mundo, possa seja o que for contra esse amor. Não nos amámos com coragem...foi esse o mal. E a culpa...
We don’t like to hurt. And there is no worse pain for fallen people than facing an emptiness we cannot fill. To enter into pain seems rather foolish when we can run from it through denial. We simply cannot get it through our head that, with a natur...
individuals are concerned not with the moral issue of realizing these standards, but with the amoral issue of engineering a convincing impression that these standards are being realized. Our activity, then, is largely concerned with moral matters, bu...
Adenoid Hynkel: Declare war on Napaloni. Garbitsch: Napaloni? Adenoid Hynkel: Yes, Napaloni! [to Field Marshal Herring] Adenoid Hynkel: Listen, you blockhead. Mobilise every division of the army and the air force. Proceed to Bacteria and attack at on...
Es como si al acomodarnos en el interior del vagón en movimiento quedásemos encapsulados, fuera del mundo, limitándonos a verlo transcurrir plácidamente a través de las ventanillas.
<> No. Ya voló y se perdió. Y los pájaros que volaron cerca se convirtieron en cuervos de tanto dolor que sus alas batieron.
—Soló porque el mundo esté lleno de cosas malas no significa que tenga que dejar que me destrocen.—Eso decía siempre—. Merezco ser feliz.
Siempre supe que la madurez es una manera de recordar claramente todo lo olvidado (todo lo perdido); la infancia regresa cuando se envejece, en la juventud la rechazamos
Hoy día, su vida se asemeja más bien a un periódico: sin sentido, al día y lleno de sucesos disparatados.
Nicioadata nu aprob sau dezaprob un lucru, e o atitudine absurda fata de viata. Nu suntem trimisi in lume ca sa ne exibitionam prejudecatile morale" - Dorian Gray
O verdadeiro ofício de cada um era apenas chegar até si mesmo.
Cada uno fue feliz a su manera, es algo a lo que todos deberíamos obligarnos cada mañana; sino la vida acaba por reducirse a un puñado de tristes lunes.
Yo podía disfrutar y quedarme con aquella parte de Abby sin preocuparme por el futuro: la sumisión y la confianza que me estaba entregando en ese instante.