, when hearing about 's latest book, said, ' .' responds, 'Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là. ( .)
No puedo dejar de ser quien soy y no quiero que tú lo hagas tampoco. Sólo quiero que seamos lo que somos... juntos.
Los buenos escritores entienden de interpretación, aunque no tienen por qué dominar la puesta en escena. A los malos les pasa al revés.
[I]m Hain des Tempels und im Schatten der Zitadelle habe ich die Freiesten unter euch ihre Freiheit als Joch und Handschellen tragen sehen.
Si conocieseis al Conde Olaf y éste de repente os sirviese el desayuno, ¿no temeríais que contuviese algo terrible, como veneno o cristal hecho añicos?
Si en el goce hasta el triste desconfía en el escalón de la tristeza no hay tristeza mayor que la alegría.
La hipocresía es un vicio, pero no estoy tan convencido de que la franqueza sea siempre una virtud.
I grew up in a little cul-de-sac in the suburbs and went to public school. I went to Costco on the weekends.
Madam Kluger, pufoasă, apretată şi cu genele atât de albe încât par pudrate cu zahăr, îmi face un cornet artistic [...]
'Scarface' was a tremendous undertaking, and I'm one of those who really feel that no one could have done it like Brian De Palma.
There is remedy for all things except death - Don Quixote De La Mancha
My main home is in Fayetteville, Arkansas, a college town in the Ozark Mountains. I live on the highest hill in a quiet cul-de-sac, surrounded by friends.
There are a bunch of places to stay in Des Moines, but I'd suggest finding a place on the west side of town. It's a great urban area that has a lot to offer tourists.
I tell you one you straight off in Scotland - Nick de Luca. I don't see his name quoted, but I've played against Nick quite a lot and he is a good player - one of the trickiest centres I've played against.
People often get very entangled in their work and life, so de-stressing is very important to keep generating fresh ideas and provide satisfaction with one's activities.
Mi propósito es claro: le vendería el alma al diablo, a cualquier diablo, para que me devuelva la serenidad de aquel abrazo.
El Tuíter es un diálogo a solas y un monólogo en compañía. Se conoce a las personas bajo su rostro hecho de palabras.
I think the clothes in Belle de Jour are very important to the style of the film. Even today, it is still timeless.
The hands that are spaced are docks, where desires can dock. (Les mains écartées sont des quais, - Où les désirs peuvent accoster.)
Love is now, is always. All that is missing is the coup de grâce- which is called passion.
Before falling to the ground, the rain has touched the sky. (Avant de tomber au sol, La pluie a touché le ciel)