Ô beaux cheveux d'argent mignonnement retors ! Ô front crêpe et serein ! et vous, face dorée ! Ô beaux yeux de cristal ! ô grand bouche honorée, Qui d'un large repli retrousses tes deux bords ! Ô belles dents d'ébène ! ô précieux trésors...
De ce sa scap? De prezent? Da, de acest prim-plan care-mi ascunde ce se intampla in perspectiva. Daca am spirit sau suflet, spuneti-i cum vreti, nu e unul singur, ci multiplu. Nu se poate multumi cu limitarea, el vrea spatiu. Poate sa locuiasca in nu...
A la hora de dormir, seguía pensando en él. Mientras estaba acostada su imagen jugaba en mi mente, no podía pensar en nada, ni en nadie más y sentía que ya no podía seguir luchando por evitar pensar en él. Era como nadar a contracorriente y ya...
- Pero yo quiero que tú lo experimentes primero, pequeña Kisha. Quiero deleitarme en el rubor que se apodera de todo tu cuerpo cuando el orgasmo se precipita. Quiero ver el fulgor en tus ojos y oírte suplicar por más. Necesito que en tu linda cab...
Me dejé llevar por todo lo que experimentaba. Nos besamos muy lentamente. Su piel fría no me molestaba. Por el contrario, me reconfortaba. Bajó suavemente su mano derecha hasta llegar a mi cintura. Levantó la orilla de mi blusa y con el dedo índ...
Ficámos de novo sem assunto. Olhei à minha volta. O branco é triste como o negro, nunca antes o tinha sentido. (...) Não lhe acariciei a mão, nem lhe pus a minha sobre a testa, num gesto de consolação. Não fiz nada disso. E devia-o ter feito....
...Des felt a familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach. All soldiers felt the same thing going into battle, whether they admitted it or not: fear. Fear of failure, fear of dying, fear of watching their friends die, fear of being wounded and living ...
O paciente precisa aprender a distinguir o eu do não-eu, isto é, da psique coletiva. Assim, adquire o material com que vai ter que se haver daí em diante e por muito tempo ainda. A energia antes aplicada de forma inaproveitável, patológica, enco...
So blieb [den individuellen Aufsteigern aus dem Arbeitermilieu] allein die Imitation der Verhaltensweisen und Ideologien von der mindestens heimlich bewunderten privilegierten Schicht, in die einzutreten schließlich Ziel des langen Weges war. Doch d...
Cada época, cada cultura, cada costume e tradição tem seu próprio estilo, tem sua delicadeza e sua severidade, suas belezas e crueldades, aceitam certos sofrimentos como naturais, sofrem pacientemente certas desgraças. O verdadeiro sofrimento, o...
Lectura instantánea. Cierto famoso fakir afirmaba en el pueblo que podía enseñar a leer a una persona iletrada mediante una técnica relámpago. Nasrudín salió de entre la multitud. “Muy bien, enséñame, ahora.” El fakir tocó la frente del...
Voilà c'que c'est, mon vieux Joseph Que d'avoir pris la plus jolie Parmi les filles de Galilée Celle qu'on appelait Marie Tu aurais pu, mon vieux Joseph Prendre Sarah ou Déborah Et rien ne serait arrivé Mais tu as préféré Marie Tu aurais pu, m...
Max Bialystock: Roger, did you have a chance to read "Springtime for Hitler?" Roger De Bris: [emerges from behind a partition wearing a dress] Remarkable, remarkable! A stunning piece of work. Leo Bloom: [under his breath] Max... he's wearing a dress...
Virgil: [looking at the picture Lindsey took of the alien craft] That's a great shot, Linds. Catfish De Vries: You drop your dive light? Lindsey Brigman: No, come on you guys, come on. Now that's the small one, that's the small one here. You can kind...
The posters bore the words WITH THE PASSING YEARS COMES...IMPOTENCE! Magnus found himself staring at the posters with a sort of absent horror. He looked at Alec and found that Alec could not tear his eyes away either. He wondered if Alec was aware th...
Magnus gave Alec a sidelong look as they climbed the rickety stairs. Alec caught the glance, and his breathing quickened; his blue eyes were bright. Alec bit his lower lip, and Magnus stopped walking. It was only a momentary hesitation. But then Alec...
He remembered Tessa weeping in his arms in Paris, and thinking that he had never known the loss she felt, because he had never loved like she had, and that he was afraid that someday he would, and like Tessa he would lose his mortal love. And that it...
There is so much in this store I can picture Magnus wanting,” Simon said, picking up a glass bottle of body glitter suspended in some kind of oil. “Is it against some kind of rule to buy presents for someone who broke up with your friend?” “I...
I'll go with you," Alec said, looking at Isabelle and Simon with suspicious eyes. "If you must," said Isabelle with exaggerated indifference. "I should warn you we'll be making out in the dark. Big, sloppy make-outage." Simon looked startled. "We are...
Lord Montgomery considers nothing but his own desires," he said in a gravelly voice. "I'll tell you something else. Lord Montgomery has a very large estate...and pretty extensive grounds, too." Isabelle giggled, and Simon felt the bed shake under the...
We will stand bravely with you! Malcolm announced. Catarina looked darkly at him, and he quailed. Well, we will stand bravely near you. Or at least within earshot. Maia gave him a hard look. So no guarantees, basically? Malcolm shrugged. Warlocks are...