I think that's something people need to convey because you see all these celebrity moms out there, and the perception is they can do it all, but they have sooo much help. And it's kind of an unfair image to project for many women, because it is reall...
I think everyone can recognize the one-upmanship and the competition that go on wherever you are, especially among groups where the women don't have to hold down office jobs and instead get in a total snit about who won the longest carrot contest or ...
I spent about seven years during the Vietnam War flight-testing airplanes for the Air Force. And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages. And some 3,000 of those are flying. Of course, one of ...
The Germans have done wonderful work. Not long ago, a German battle group battalion conducted a very impressive counterinsurgency operation in a portion of Baghlan province. I think these are the first counterinsurgency operations conducted by any Ge...
There was one thing more than any other that turned this New York, liberal, Jewish, Columbia University graduate student away from modern liberalism: its use of moral equivalence to avoid confronting evil during the Cold War.
Hurtling the Pentagon into an unprecedented budgetary meltdown is horrifically irresponsible. Obama doesn't care. This is war - not against the Taliban, but war against the GOP. He has Republicans on the ropes, and that's a victory he savors and desi...
I'm not looking for pity, I'm really not, but I'm constantly uneasy and every day it is pretty much like getting up and going to war. Once I shift into the mindset of 'Yeah, you're alive. It's tough. Let's do what we can today,' it's easier.
In 2004, Kucinich was the only presidential candidate who warned that a war in Iraq would be completely disastrous. I remember how mocked he was when he predicted hand-to-hand combat in Baghdad. I remember Candy Crowley, and other reporters as well, ...
Our ascendancy of the past two centuries - first Europe and then the U.S. - has bred a western-centric mentality: the West is the fount of all wisdom. We think of ourselves as open-minded, but our sense of superiority has closed our minds. We never e...
Lembro-me é de quando na nossa primeira noite eu te disse que te amava e tu disseste também te amo. Hei-de lembrar-me decerto ainda de quantas outras palavras me disseste. Mas agora quero ouvir apenas essa tua palavra ardente em que toda a vida se ...
Se întoarse şi îl zări pe Alex Corbu. Covorul pufos trebuie să-i fi amortizat zgomotul paşilor. Era chiar lângă ele, adresându-le ceea ce părea unul dintre cele mai cuceritoare zâmbete ale sale. Costumul negru, simplu dar din stofă de cea...
je dis civilisé le peuple qui compose ses danses, malgré qu'il ne soit pour les danses ni récolte ni greniers. Alors que je dis brut le peuple qui aligne sur ses étagères des objets, fussent-ils les plus fins, nés du travail d'autrui, même s'i...
Je soutiens l'idée que dans notre société, les pauvres sont doublement punis par les architectes. Une première fois parce qu'ils sont privés de maison, et la deuxième fois parce que quand on la leur donne, elle est moche. Malheureusement, il es...
Durante toda mi vida he entendido el amor como una especie de esclavitud consentida. Pero esto no es así: la libertad sólo existe cuando existe el amor. Quien se entrega totalmente, quien se siente libre, ama al máximo. Y quien ama al máximo, se ...
El amor consiste en una empatía ilimitada, surgida de lo que el corazón nos revela, que el otro es tan real como nosotros. Y por eso el amor, según lo entiendo, siempre es concreto. Intentar amar a toda la humanidad puede ser una empresa loable, p...
Mary Lou et moi, on est amies depuis qu’on est toutes petites. J’étais le boute-en-train de service, et elle, le cancre de la classe. « Cancre » n’est peut-être pas le mot juste. Disons que ses objectifs n’étaient pas très hauts. Elle v...
—Sí, pero solo eso. Cada caricia, cada beso, cada momento compartido por los dos, preciosa…, nada de eso fue fingido. No quería fingir contigo. Quería que cada experiencia contigo, cada momento, fuese absolutamente real. Eres la primera person...
Kadınlar neden buna benzer bedenleri olmasını isterler bir türlü anlamıyorum. Ne kadar acayip görünüyor, onlar da kalkıp böyle bir bedene sahip olmak için deli gibi uğraşıyorlar, ne pahasına olursa olsun, diyetlere, ameliyatlara, iğn...
Mas, não obstante, eu acrescento que em qualquer pensamento genial ou no novo pensamento humano, ou simplesmente até em qualquer pensamento humano sério, que medra da cabeça de alguém, sempre resta algo que de maneira nenhuma se pode transmitir ...
Sentí que el calor iba subiéndome por el cuello y que me ruborizaba. Clavé la vista en mis zapatos. Sabía que Adam me estaba mirando, y también que si alzaba los ojos me besaría. Y me sorprendió lo mucho que deseaba ese beso, darme cuenta de q...
On y voit comme à travers un pelle là-dedans... Hé lumières!!! Pff bande de fainéants... Ah ça, pour roupiller, vous êtes fortiche (s'esclaffe) Les chevaliers de la Table Ronde... CHEVALIERS DE MES DEUX !!! Chuis p... chuis pas roi, moi ? C'es...