I learnt about plants from my father, who was a herbalist and an amateur microscopist.
Love is my decision to make your problem my problem.
My aunts still try to fatten me up.
Entertainers, athletes, and stars started giving me support.
Even at church, people would not shake my hand.
Eventually, I won the right to attend school, but the prejudice was still there.
You can only write by putting words on a paper one at a time.
Be prepared to work hard to be a writer.
It is a pity that my collection of trophies contains not a single Russian.
I got my private pilot's license in autumn 1986.
The holidays are only holy if we make them so.
The top of one mountain is always the bottom of another.
Being a mother makes everything more urgent.
The world is a holographic universe, with every piece containing the whole.
The Western world is having an identity crisis.
Children are not children. They are just younger people.
I don't know anybody who doesn't have a lost decade.
Christ is born into the world through each of us.
Divine organization is inherent in all things.
I went into therapy several times, but it rarely made an impact.
To me, drone use is a moral issue.