Definiciones de Mulla Do-Piaza Sabiduría: algo que puedes aprender sin saberlo.
An autumn garden has a sadness when the sun is not shining...
Let me feel how thy pulses beat.
Sex is like money; only too much is enough.
Quid autem de corporis uoluptatibus loquar, quarum appetentia quidem plena est anxietatis, satietas uero paenitentiae?
Better guilt than the terrible burden of freedom and responsibility.
I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.
I was raised feral, and I mostly stayed that way.
Pain is always a fanged serpent, but to the fearful it has a hundred heads.
Great science emerges out of great contradiction.
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
Order is heaven's first law.
Childhood is the barrel they give you/to go over the falls in.
Some of life's greatest calls were answered not by the head but by the body.
I had liked him for all the wrong reasons.
Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought.
literature will lose, sunlight will win, don't worry.
Wenn man noch nicht den Menschen dienen kann, wie sollte man den Geistern dienen können?
A traitor commits his crime but once. The rest/is retribution.
Have a smile for breakfast, you'll be shitting joy by lunch.