There are things you stand up for because it's right.
the world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by.
It is politics to please and hoodwink those Who flatter but despise us.
Laboratories can reduce risk by implementing a proven and internationally accepted quality assurance technology that is applicable across the globe.
From now on, the technology companies that succeed will be those that have developed skills at listening and a sophisticated understanding of their customers' industries.
Technology, ideology, and social and cultural changes periodically throw out new forms of violence for humanity to contend with.
TiVo and other digital recording devices have confounded advertisers. The ad industry sees the technology as a threat to their product.
There used to be this country called the Soviet Union; it's not there anymore. Our technology was better than theirs.
The human condition today is better than it's ever been, and technology is one of the reasons for that.
One of the biggest problems that software developers face is that technology changes rapidly. It is very hard to stay current.
There are moments when very little truth would be enough to shape opinion. One might be hated at extremely low cost.
Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth.
We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond.
Never underestimate people. They do desire the cut of truth.
Many roads lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.
The pain we inflict upon ourselves hurt most of all.
To obtain victory by any means and with any weapon.
If you want to change the culture, you will have to start by changing the organization.
If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
You can live within the institutions and work hard to change them.
Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying.