I think one or two of the later Holmes stories are among the best.
Honesty is the best policy; but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man.
The intellectual, the man of thought, doubt and analysis, should give the best of himself.
There are no perfect leaders.
To be human is necessarily to be a vulnerable risk-taker; to be a courageous human is to be good at it
Archbishop - A Christian ecclesiastic of a rank superior to that attained by Christ.
A decent boldness ever meets with friends.
The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.
Loss is so paradoxical: It is at once enormous and tiny.
A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.
The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other milk.
The play was a great success, but the audience was a disaster.
The absence of limitations is the enemy of art.
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.
Envy's a coal comes hissing hot from Hell.
A man is an angel that has gone deranged.
The problem with introspection is that it has no end.
The best way to learn is to do; the worst way to teach is to talk.
Programmers have a saying: "garbage in, garbage out.
For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.
Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety.