The whole world appears to me like a huge vacuum, a vast empty space, whence nothing desirable, or at least satisfactory, can possibly be derived; and I long daily to die more and more to it; even though I obtain not that comfort from spiritual thing...
(Kindness) is much more a sign of character than mere niceness. Kindness connects to who you are, while niceness connects to how you want to be seen." -David Levithan (Every Day)
I've been proud to be national champion. I've really enjoyed it. I have very little opportunity to remind people that I'm British and it's a nice way of staying in touch. I'm going to defend it fiercely. I want to keep it.
Ten years ago, TV cookery shows were about a man or a woman following recipes. Now, it's all about journeys and campaigns and less about the actual chopping and dicing. That's what I'd like to do with magic.
For instance, some early ideas for Florida were done only recently. The idea of a little village was there from the beginning and now we have this 'Celebration' village. Same thing for the Disney Institute. Walt talked about this idea in the very fir...
Well, it was never supposed to be like that. Walt died before we had finished. The original idea of Walt's was that you came down there, into the caves, and there were no pirates. But they had been there just seconds before! There was a hot meal on t...
And I know how many DJ pools have grown and I know how DJing has grown in the overall, but that was the technical side of it to me. DJs were rolling around, looking for stuff to buy and looking to see what was in the store when they get there.
Back in the day, if someone said that hip hop and rap was a fad, that was a joke to me because they just didn't know what they were talking about. In reality, there were so many people who didn't know what they were talking about it.
You know how Bed Bath & Beyond sells those white noise machines that help you sleep? And they usually make ocean noises? I want one that's just David Gergen gently muttering about the economy.
When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty towards them in recording faithfully the greatness of the inner as well as the features of the outer man. The photograph thus taken has been almost the embodiment o...
Jim Garrison: It's gonna be OK, Dave. You just talk to us on the record, we'll protect you. I guarantee it. David Ferrie: They'll get to you too. They'll destroy you. They're untouchable, man.
Recently released government economic statistics covering 2010, the first year of real recovery from the financial collapse of 2008, found that fully 93 percent of additional income gains coming out of the recession went straight into the wallets and...
Money is not a motivating factor. Money doesn't thrill me or make me play better because there are benefits to being wealthy. I'm just happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn't paid to be a profession...
All the time I was writing hit songs with my partner David Porter, I always had the yen to perform. Sure did. And when the opportunity came, I took it. The first album, 'Presenting Isaac Hayes,' didn't do so hot, but it was like a prelude for what wa...
Looking back at the announcers I've always respected, they usually started out with radio before TV. It's such a wonderful testing ground, and I grew up where radio was more significant because there weren't as many games on television. I used to lis...
I like to decide the night before Thanksgiving that I'm gonna do it, and I'll see what riff raff is around. Then I get that last-minute surge of energy. But if I had two weeks to plan, sometimes I wish I wasn't doing it. But very seldom does that hap...
Richard Nixon: Take my advice. You should marry that woman. David Frost: Yes. Lovely, isn't she? Richard Nixon: More important than that, she comes from Monaco. They pay no taxes there.
Richard Nixon: [Frost is signing a cheque] I hope that isn't coming out of your own pocket. David Frost: [Gives a quick smile] I wish my pockets were that deep.
Richard Nixon: [a few seconds before the cameras begin to roll] Did you have a pleasant evening last night? David Frost: Yes, thank you. Richard Nixon: Did you do any fornicating?
King George VI: David, I've been trying to see you. King Edward VIII: I've been terribly busy. King George VI: Doing what? King Edward VIII: Kinging.
Bart: Hell, I drove up from Dallas one time. That's 850 miles, I done that in eight hours. David Grant: That's, like, over 100 miles an hour. Cole: Oh, Bart was movin'.