As soon as you get traded, you kind of start thinking where you're going to live, your family, you have to pack.
Hispanic values are conservative values. Hispanics are highly religious, they're very strongly pro-traditional family... not only pro-family, but also pro-life. They are highly patriotic.
I come from a family where soccer has always been very present. My uncles, my father and my brother were all players.
Camp David is a wonderful place for the family to get away and run around and do goofy things.
My work reflects a relationship to the built world that shifts between control and randomness, strangeness and beauty, comfort and fear.
Beauty is in the character of a person. It's about having an interesting face and about what's inside. Anyone can take a good picture.
I must say that in my early years, I was incredibly aggressive. I was working as hard as I could to build a business, to try to dominate a business. And I probably irritated a lot of people.
It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom, to move on in one's inward journey into new realms, than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr, as it is to be rash in battle.
Buddhist practices offer a way of saying, 'Hey, come back over here, reconnect.' The only way that you'll actually wake up and have some freedom is if you have the capacity and courage to stay with the vulnerability and the discomfort.
Florida has been really cool to us. This is our first big club tour, and Pennywise has been really nice.
Scientists must venture outside their comfort zones to show the public how cool - and how important - their work really is.
For electronica music, David Linton has been doing this series called Unity Gain, which is pretty cool.
I have these ideas that people go 'Oh, that's cool. I'd pay to see it, but I'm not gonna give you $25 million.'
I shoot a little bit, maybe two rolls, medium format, which is 20 pictures, and if it's not working, I change the position.
Baseball people, and that includes myself, are slow to change and accept new ideas. I remember that it took years to persuade them to put numbers on uniforms.
My own eyes are no more than scouts on a preliminary search, for the camera's eye may entirely change my idea.
Historically speaking, institutions are slow to change and usually resistant to any sudden moves - churches especially so.
The thirst for education that comes with the change the gospel brings can be a blessing or a curse, depending on our motives.
One of the most constant aspects of American life is change - and nowhere is it more evident than in our financial markets.
Parents walk a fine line between discipline and grace - values have to hold even when circumstances change or call for compromise or compassion. It's the ultimate challenge to be both firm and fluid, soft and strong, yielding yet rock solid.
In my teens, I joined the Parachute Regiment. I jumped out of lots of airplanes, as much as the Government budget would allow us to. I did two active tours of duty: Northern Ireland, and then the Falklands war.