[Murdoch opens the door to what should be Shell Beach and instead sees the same sign he saw earlier advertising it. Murdoch walks up to the sign, confused] Dr. Schreber: There is no ocean, John. There is nothing beyond the city. The only place home e...
Mr. Wall: She knows nothing, Mr. Hand. Mr. Hand: A dead end... Yes, Mr. Wall? Mr. Wall: We thought his imprint would allow us to track him, but instead we have been brought here. This is irrational. Mr. Hand: Instincts are irrational, Mr. Wall, and w...
Mr. Fox: [in a cellar with many of the other animal characters] Allright, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand? [Linda raises her hand] Mr. Fox: Great! Linda! Lutra Lutra - you got some dry paper? [she holds up some paper] Mr. Fox: Here we go. M...
Commodus: If you're very good, tomorrow night I'll tell you the story of emperor Claudius who was betrayed by those closest to him, by his own blood. They whispered in dark corners and went out late at night and conspired and conspired but the empero...
Maximus: Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Two thousand will never leave this place. I will not believe that they fought and died for nothing. Marcus Aurelius: And what would y...
Professor Moody: [mocking Hagrid] 'Marvelous creatures, Dragons, aren't they'. Do you think that miserable oaf would've sent you into the woods if I hadn't suggested it? Do you think Cedric Diggory would've told you to open the egg underwater if I ha...
Professor McGonagall: This can't go on Albus. First the dark mark, now this? Dumbledore: What do you suggest Minerva? Professor McGonagall: Put an end to it! Don't let Potter compete! Dumbledore: You heard Barty. The rules are clear. Professor McGona...
Sirius Black: We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. [everyone turns to look at Sirius] Sirius Black: Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command, not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He has been recr...
Jem: There goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life. Dill Harris: Why is he the meanest man? Jem: Well, for one thing, he has a boy named Boo that he keeps chained to a bed in the house over yonder. Boo only comes out at night when you're...
Joly: Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Grantaire: Some wine and say what's going on! Marius: A ghost, you say? A ghost, maybe. She was just like a ghost to me. One minute there, then she was gone. Grantaire: I ...
Darth Vader: There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you. [pauses] Darth Vader: Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can...
James T. Kirk: Why is there a man in that torpedo? Khan: There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there. James T. Kirk: Who the hell are you? Khan: A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior so as ...
Maria: Reverend Mother, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. -The hills were beckoning and... the sky was so blue today... and everything was so green and fragrant, I had to be a part of it. The Untersberg led me higher like it wanted me to go through ...
Anakin Skywalker: Master Windu, I must talk to you. Mace Windu: Not now, Skywalker. We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We're on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate. Anak...
Anthony Hope: [sings] I feel you, Johanna, / I feel you. / Do they think that walls can hide you? / Even now I'm at your window. / I am in the dark beside you, / Buried sweetly in your yellow hair, / Johanna... Sweeney Todd: [sings] And are you beaut...
[first lines] Doug MacRay: [narrating] Driver's name is Arthur Shea. Former Metro Police officer, fifty-seven years old. Soon as his partner leaves with the coal bag, Artie cracks a Herald, and he don't look up 'til the guy gets back. Marty Maguire. ...
Love never lies and it never tries, it's unafraid and heaven made. Keep the faith, surrender the time, just like a grape we need to ripen on the vine. Be like a fairy, constantly glow, leave a trail of love wherever you go. Do not try to make sense o...
A war changes people in a number of ways. It either shortcuts you to your very self; or it triggers such variations that you might as well have been a larva, pupating in dampness, darkness and tightly wrapped puttees. Then, providing you don't take f...
Don’t tell thin women to eat a cheeseburger. Don’t tell fat women to put down the fork. Don’t tell underweight men to bulk up. Don’t tell women with facial hair to wax, don’t tell uncircumcised men they’re gross, don’t tell muscular wom...
When the heart stops oozing blood & the outpouring is clear as water (so to speak) then you know you've turned the corner & will be well. When you look inward & all pathways are no longer dark but clearly lighted & shine like transparent drinking str...
The problem with me is that I cannot focus when she is on my mind. I can’t. I probably will make a mistake when writing that paper and will start writing everything I feel about her—the professor will be very happy with that, I am sure. Oh well, ...