All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.
For women of my generation, it was the 'juggling act.' Jobs, marriage, children, homes, and aging parents were the balls we added, tossing them in the air as our lives filled up and praying they wouldn't come crashing down on our heads.
Major Henry West: Have you met our "new age" sergeant? Tell me, Farrel, why exactly did you join the army?
Dennis Hope: If you think Mick Jagger will still be out there trying to be a rock star at age fifty, then you are sadly, sadly mistaken.
[talking about the witch] Zacky Price (Age 10): She'll make soap out of you. That's what she does. She makes soap out of people.
It is hard not to see into the future, faced with today's blind architecture - a thousand times more stupid and more revolting than that of other ages. How bored we shall be inside!
When you're that age, you sometimes have a great enthusiasm that is very deep and very narrow, and that is something that has always intrigued me-- that world of the eleven-year-old that is so quickly lost.
We are ready to despair too soon, we are ready to say, ‘What’s the good of doing anything?’ Hope is the virtue we should cultivate most in this present day and age.
Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals.
I want to know we're not pushing children toward the traditions of life, but instead cultivating them to grow in their own specific purposes, and make the dreams of their youth become realities as they age.
The traits the word 'childish' addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking.
I think there's a settled quality, there's a gravitas that comes with aging and with being a parent because you certainly come to recognize that there's nothing else that takes greater priority than raising your children.
Exxon, Coca-Cola, BHP Billiton and News Corporation have much more say in organising the global agenda than the planet's 5 billion mature-age voters without a ballot box.
Economics has made good on its promise to deliver prosperity and democratic freedom to much of the world, but in doing away with the age-old problems of humanity, it has opened up a crisis of an entirely new variety.
In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth's energy beneath our very feet may provide a way back to better health and keeping our bodies in top condition throughout our lives.
The meaning of pain is different for different people ... It depends on their age, their experience and their knowledge. But the intensity of it is the same, young or old ... and unfortunately it is inevitable ... just like failure, that results in m...
We are writing in the age of stylish minimalism that in truth has become even more cautious because of word processing. Nowadays, creative writing students are underwriting rather than overdoing it.
Experience comes with age, so is said to be wisdom but not so; a young mind can attain wisdom from the experiences of the matured minded only if such adolescent mind has the initiative to gain insight from these experiences.
'The Sopranos' wardrobe people would sometimes go over there and just grab stuff off the racks, because B&G has that style that never ages. It's like a '50s or '60s style. It fits me well.
Death and injury caused by armed violence is one of the most shameful epidemics of our age.
Death, displacement and injury caused by conflicts constitute one of the most devastating epidemics of our age.