The divine right of husbands, like the divine right of kings, may, it is hoped, in this enlightened age, be contested without danger.
There is danger that we lose sight of what our friend is absolutely, while considering what she is to us alone.
Driving in your world seems a bit dangerous.
Yes my lord, but questions are dangerous, for they have answers
I do not admire greatness that has no substance.
I only fear danger where I want to fear it.
Ambition and stupidity are a dangerous combination.
Everyone is dangerous in here, can’t you see that?” he warned.
What happens to those who live dangerously by being true to who they are?
There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned. (Anthony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare.)
In Iraq, embedding allows us to put reporters in situations that would otherwise be too dangerous for them.
We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger.
Is there anything more dangerous than sympathetic understanding?
A gun is no more dangerous than a cricket bat in the hands of a madman.
Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.
Books are a hard-bound drug with no danger of an overdose. I am the happy victim of books.
To a physicist, we have the 'I' word, the I-word is 'impossible.' That's dangerous.
Fame, you know, it's like a handgun - in the wrong hands, it's dangerous.
Property in man, always morally unjust, has become nationally dangerous.
You have this idea that you'd better keep working otherwise people will forget. And that was dangerous.
Don't we all know that art is dangerous. You play it - then you live it.