In the early days of the software industry, people cared about copyright and didn't give a damn about patents - they copied each other willy-nilly.
America wasn't founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damned well pleased.
He told us he was going to take crime out of the streets. He did. He took it into the damn White House.
We are the choice elected few Let all the rest be damned There is room enough in hell for you We won’t have heaven crammed!
This kiss was better than any climb or bungee jump or zip line. Better than any other kiss. Damn him.
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'damn, we fucked up'.
It is impossible to discourage the real writers - they don't give a damn what you say, they're going to write.
They seek him here. They seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in Heaven? Or is he in Hell? That damned, illusive pimpernel.
There are two golden rules for an orchestra: start together and finish together. The public doesn't give a damn what goes on in between.
I wouldn't mind being the male Adele. She came along, and people were like, 'Damn, we haven't heard anyone this real for years.'
They changed the floor back to old school. They changed the uniform back to old school. Somebody tell the damn players to start playing like old school.
My father was frightened of his mother; I was frightened of my father, and I am damned well going to see to it that my children are frightened of me.
The Harvard Law states: Under controlled conditions of light, temperature, humidity, and nutrition, the organism will do as it damn well pleases.
Green Day is like sex. When we good we're really good! When we're bad... we're still pretty damn good!
My God had not spoken again. But neighter had He forsaken me. I knew that. For damned sure, I knew that
I touched Roger's bat and held it to my heart. My bat will lie next to his. I'm damn proud of that.
You are damned and praised, or encouraged or discouraged by those who listen to you, and those who come to applaud you. And to me, those people are very important.
For if there is anything to one's praise, it is foolish vanity to be gratified at it, and if it is abuse - why one is always sure to hear of it from one damned good-natured friend or another!
My nose is broken," I said. Damn that Dumbo. Made me self-conscious. "My ankle's broken," he said. "Then I'll come to you.
God seemed to be having a hard time killing him, and he'd be damned if he was going to make the job easy for mere mortals
I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated.