Daily grace and power of the Holy Spirit must be desired for living rightly and humbly.
We live in an age when the traditional great subjects - the human form, the landscape, even newer traditions such as abstract expressionism - are daily devalued by commercial art.
The better men know the Lord, the better may the eternal truths we learn be applied in our daily lives.
The stars have a strong effect on our daily shopping lives. Hollywood is astrology’s only credible conspiracy.
Are we so made that we have to take death in small doses daily or we could not go on with the business of living?
Because it's free, easy to use, and high-quality, photography is now a fixture in our daily lives - something we take for granted.
When it costs $50 to fill up our gas tanks, it impacts every aspect of our daily lives and the community.
I want to be part of the storytelling that educates people and awakens a sense of compassion in other people of the kind of people they don't encounter in their daily lives very frequently.
I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, and the whole lifestyle revolves around the beach. My parents met surfing, and the beach was a major part of our daily lives.
Our power lies in our small daily choices, one after another, to create eternal ripples of a life well lived.
Amidst one's daily clutter, one doesn't usually reflect on the splendour of being free because - naturally - one has to get on with the business of living.
We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking. In that race which daily hastens us towards death, the body maintains its irreparable lead.
Living happily is a matter of holding on to your peace of mind and celebrating your life daily while you still have it.
To live a happy life, you must make it your daily responsibility to frequently focus only on the things that make you mentally and physically stronger.
Even the mundane task of washing dishes by hand is an example of the small tasks and personal activities that once filled people's daily lives with a sense of achievement.
Living with a stammer is difficult. It's a daily uphill struggle with emotional baggage weighing you down. You can't be the person you want to be.
Parkinson's is a slow but inevitable process. It's hard living with it on a daily basis. The difficulty facing people with it is that they never quite know 'Can I or can't I do this today?'
A large majority of Americans believe that corporations exert too much influence on our daily lives and our political process.
People can change their external lives with religion, but a lasting internal change only happens through a daily relationship with Jesus.
Saying that the Palestinian people aren't really a people - that's not a zany thing to say. That's a psychotic thing to say in the midst of all of the politics we live through on a daily basis.
His love is like an unquenchable fire and He refreshes with living waters. I thirst daily and go to the well to drink and be consumed