What a circus act we women perform every day of our lives. Look at us. We run a tightrope daily, balancing a pile of books on the head. Baby-carriage, parasol, kitchen chair, still under control. Steady now! This is not the life of simplicity but the...
If you think that your life is nothing but pain and suffering, then it is very obvious that you have been directing your daily thoughts in the direction of the darkest side of life. However, the truth still remains; which is that we all have a bright...
I spent most of the '60s, when I was starting to try to write novels, living and working in Greece and Turkey. These are countries where the ancient past is interfused with the daily present, and I remember being struck with wonder at the constant se...
We live in a microwave life where people want success without passing through the process of hard work. This is because our daily discussions focus on successes and not our struggles, which end up sending wrong message to other people, believing that...
Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise no small beginnings. A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater accomplishments. Do something every day!
Let your first enemy be mediocrity; it has no role to play, no word to say and no action to display in your life. Never love to swim in shallow waters; they breed nothing than fearful reptiles of failure!
You don’t command your plate to provide you with food and it does. And you don’t have to get bored if it doesn't. Whatever has to drop into the plate must pass through your head!
Put into actions what you dream of achieving. It'll amaze you to discover that you can do more than you ever dream of. Just give it a try! Never be idle, take actions now!
You were born to lead people out of the darkness into light in the power of God. Dare to rise up to this calling! Never stand low for satan to mess up your destiny. You are a pencil in the hands of God!
Break every boundary with your inner passion and you will get there successfully. Resist every chance to give up... Believe you can... Rise up after every fall... Be willing to win!
One more action to transform your dreams, one more passion to reform your brand; give one more trial and you’ll never regret your willingness to hold on!
Self-esteem is the garden in which passion bears success flowers. Most people can’t stand out to stand for what supposed to belong to them just because; they feel it can’t be theirs, so it’s not theirs.
Every few words you speak, every little help you offer and every small advice you give mass up tiny miracles that can change someone's life forever!
You have been “self-pitying” for long years now and things don’t seem to improve. Just try a few days of good self-esteeming” and you’ll see things taking a better shape!
Your future is a finished work. God created your future; your thoughts guide you to locate it and your passion takes you there. However, it’s your attitude that makes you stay!
Don’t underestimate the dreams everyone has; you have no knowledge about the one that would later marry your own. Be each other’s keeper and know that beautiful dreams date only beautiful dreams!
Your purpose is God’s success. You can’t pay for what God want to be done. It’s God’s business; it’s his farmland, so when he said he’ll provide the rain, don’t doubt it!
Aside your dreams to improve your community, country and continent, dare to save a soul for God. Show compassion, show love... Feed hungry souls and let God be glorified!
Jehovah chose to do great things through me. I lay my life in total humility never to take the Glory that comes from doing His great work… It all belongs to Him
Your skull encloses your brains. But never forget that anytime you open your mouth to talk, you have opened your mind for the entire world to see what is hidden in there!
Drive your life with care. Look nowhere else than up to your long cherished destination. You can only get there with focus. Blind your eyes from anything else!