You may lose paradise, but gain heaven when you rise up and repent. The success that comes after a temporal failure is an amazing spectacular!
A positive mind is the sharpest tool that brings down the monuments of failure. The quickest way to fail is to murder your mind with negative thoughts!
Failure is your inability to recognize that you have made the same mistakes again. Making a mistake is normal; it turns abnormal when it’s not recognized!
A higher speed on the wrong path is very is fatal! Don’t be desperate about going ahead with the highest speed. First of all, be sure you are on the right track.
People who score zero are not only those who do not participate in the game, but also those who play very well but have no goal in focus!
Any blunder committed in the past opens the avenue for the success of the future. However, the success of the future massively is fueled by the how positively the mistakes of the past are handled!
Those who die with their music still on their tongues unsung are trying to say “God had made a deal with the wrong customer like me
People who achieve big things are those who decide to try ideas that were previously rated and graded as impossibilities. “Impossibility” never exists!
Impatience is not the fastest way of getting to where your treasures are. It is the quickest way of by-passing them without even knowing. Keep calm; be patient!
Hard work will never kill you; it's only going to make you gain more muscles to gather your bumper harvests! Do it and do it hard!
Keep moving; don't stop by to check on whoever else is not willing to go. The entire road is yours to speed on till you get there. Never be discouraged!
Nobody was born a master; amateurs become experts because they did not give up on learning. You are going as far as you can if you’ll learn and apply!
Don’t waste time waiting for opportunity to surface; it may never happen that way. Spend time to create one and many more will unfold in series!
True blessing comes in the dress of sweats, never delaying to wave bye to the excuses and procrastination. True blessing lies in hard work!
Don't be too full of yourself because of how people hail you. When your head is swelling, it means there is more empty space to fill in there!
Drop all those assumptions that success is built on success. Add a very little value to yourself and it will amaze you how you will see people appreciate that value!
The scriptures serve as guideposts to keep us on the right path, and prayer is our helpline when we have lost our way or need to be redirected.
We must take responsibility for ourselves, for who we become, for how we live each day.
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want.
The spiritual path can only be traveled through the daily experience of love.
Satori - in the awakening from a dream. Awakening and self-realization and seeing into one's own being - these are synonymous.