One minute with a silent spirit of self-knowledge is enough to align you to put smiles on the face of the boring world. The world needs you! Yes it does!
Spark the dreams you have with integrity and honesty. It’s gonna catch up with excellence if you make it revive in truthfulness in the midst of this world of falsehood!
If you have a dream as a child, but you let it go cold, you will grow old only to realize that you have sold your gold for no royalty!
A good example is the best gift you can offer to your children. In your absence, your example is present, which means you are present always!
Be willing to stand with God and be ready when the world judges you because of that choice. It’s better than to stand with the world for God to judge you!
Whatever is above will be managed by the powers above you. Don’t live as a man, pretending to be God. Do what you can do; leave what you can’t to God!
Wisdom does not only reflect itself in a person’s knowledge of what to say. It appears also in his knowledge about how to say it and when it should be said!
Without self-discipline, your streams of grace become a flood of disgrace. Never let indiscipline weigh you down for critics to pick mockeries on.
Don’t deceive yourself; laughing at someone’s weakness is not the way to reveal your strength. Your strength is in the help you offer, not the mockeries you deliver!
What you repeatedly do carries the clay to mold you into who you eventually become. Don’t despise any tiny minute of the day; each counts so much!
Stress is equivalent to weapons of mass destruction armed for wrong reasons. The difference is that, it is less costly as compared to the atomic bombs! However, it destroys faster!
Think outside the box; if possible, think as if there is no box. Aim high, above the ceilings; aim as if no ceiling can limit you. Dream big!
Make it a promise to be all that you must be. When you dream of reaching the 100th step; take the 99th as the beginning of your journey and you will go beyond the 101st!
If you will reach your dream land as sooner as possible you have to leave everything behind and fix your eyes on one thing; the journey ahead!
Fire False Friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you've planted! The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer!
Be passionate and become successful. Share your success, be it an information, income and emotions with someone who need them most. You are a success… Make an impact!
The success gate is far at the end of the long failure corridor. Keep moving no matter how many potholes you step into. You will get there with time!
Behave like the flower; it blooms with its own petals without bothering to take the colour of another flower’s petals. You can excel with what you have!
Don’t embrace mediocrity; its main charm is to make you fall in love with failure. Speed off… Excellence awaits you at the end of your journey!
Aspire higher to attain excellence in whatever you do. But be careful when you reach the peak, where the only way is the way downwards. Maintain your standard!
Dominate the market with your products of self-control; no matter how many temptations produced by the devil, you will still overcome with profits of excellence!