Wisdom is the recovery of innocence at the far end of experience.
For me, disability is a physical experience, but it's also a cultural experience and a social experience, and for me, the word 'crip' is the one that best encapsulated all of that.
The notion of a universality of human experience is a confidence trick and the notion of a universality of female experience is a clever confidence trick.
It was a beautiful experience for her, the experience that she had that she confesses. It wasn't dirty and it wasn't horrible and wasn't shattering. It was a wonderful, liberating experience.
I don't have to go to church. The church is within me and the experience is my own. It's my life experience.
You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.
There is a fundamental difference between the Polish experience of the state and the Russian experience. In the Polish experience, the state was always a foreign power. So, to hate the state was a patriotic act.
A lot of our happiness is derived from experiences, not from buying products. People are twice as happy buying experiences as products. People are happy buying experiences. They don't want something that's commoditised.
I am who I am: I have my life experiences and my professional experiences.
Experience is the mother of science.
Experience is the mother of wisdom.
We can remake the world daily.
Leaders create a legacy daily.
Daily gratitude is a fountain of blessings.
I listen and talk to God daily.
First, Resolve upon, and daily endeavour to practise, a life of seriousness and strict sobriety.
I meditate. Daily practice is essential to my life.
You are at the mercies of the dailies. With an indie you don't have that.
Remember, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
The experience of being in space didn't change my perspective of myself or of the planet or of life. I had no spiritual experience.
The experience of eternity right here and now is the function of life. Heaven is not the place to have the experience; here is the place to have the experience.