Life is a learning experience and this is a very peaceful method of accepting the reality you face…”What will I learn?
I came together with younger musicians and tried to pass on my own experiences. In the process, I always tried to maintain my curiosity and spontaneity.
Zimbabweans are so smart and witty and able to weave together tons of situations and experiences into terminologies that are just utterly original.
Is the price of happiness not weighed in the cost of commitment, the value of life’s experience in the plurality of existence and measured in a love shared?
You gained experience from your past action. Set goals for the future; act now with imagination.
Reading a hard copy book, and reading a book on an iPad are slightly different experiences. What they both have in common though is that you must engage your imagination in the process.
My dearest friend in the movement is Jack Nichols. If there were no such thing as gay or straight, we would still talk and share experiences till the end of time.
You learn just by trying and experimenting. By the time I was 14, I had my own comic strip in the Kansas City paper.
Sure, I'm ashamed of a lot of the things I did, but at the same time, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through those experiences.
People can have a variety of concerns at the same time. Even those undergoing grave or traumatic experiences will acknowledge the need for lightness or even entertainment.
Spending time with the military certainly lends itself to some remarkable experiences, and I've been privileged to have had my share.
Every time you perform a magic trick, you're engaging in experimental psychology. If the audience asks, 'How the hell did he do that?' then the experiment was successful.
Clyde Shelton: ln my experience, Nick, lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten.
People want to hear about the extremes of human nature. They want things that are larger than their own lives, and more romantic, and not necessarily of their own experiences.
The experiment of poetry, as far as I am concerned, happens when the poem carries you beyond where you could have reasonably expected to go.
The thing that stood out above and beyond all the experiences was this relationship with the nine-month-old baby. On weekends, I'd be thinking about going back to set on Monday just to see the baby.
It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians.
My own early experiences in war led me to suspect the value of discipline, even in that sphere where it is so often regarded as the first essential for success.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am really into hair. I'm a real girly girl and love doing my hair and experimenting with different styles.
Most experiences are either sensual or intellectual. Chamber music, played by a small group so the listener can follow what each player is doing, is both.
When we started there was this element of these experiments we were doing where we weren't really sure how the music would play out because the music was all on different players.