Mrs. Edythe Van Hopper: Most girls would give their eyes for the chance to see Monte! Maxim de Winter: Wouldn't that RATHER defeat the purpose?
Mrs. Atwater: Do you know when I was a girl I used to read quite a bit. Brandon: We all do strange things in our childhood.
Jeff: She sure is the "eat, drink and be merry" girl. Stella: Yeah, she'll wind up fat, alcoholic and miserable.
Jack: [Stephanie pours Jack and Miles full glasses of sample wine] Oh, Stephanie, you bad girl. Stephanie: I know, I need to be spanked.
Joe: But, you're *not* a girl! You're a *guy*, and, why would a guy wanna marry a guy? Jerry: Security!
Gracchus: This republic of ours is something like a rich widow. Most Romans love her as their mother but Crassus dreams of marrying the old girl to put it politely.
Private Ryan: Picture a girl who took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
R.F. Simpson: Lina, you were gorgeous! Cosmo Brown: Yeah, Lina, you looked pretty good for a girl.
Fanty: [watching River fighting in a bar] Do you know that girl? Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I really don't.
Jethro's daughter: Is it true that Egyptian girls paint their eyes? Moses: Yes, but very few have eyes as beautiful as yours.
Popescue: That's a nice girl, that. But she ought to go careful in Vienna. Everybody ought to go careful in a city like this.
Nick Naylor: You know the guy who can pick up any girl? I'm him. On crack.
David St. Hubbins: [singing] Big bottom, big bottom / Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em!
[Rose shows Jack the diamond] Rose: Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this... Jack: All right. Rose: Wearing *only* this.
[Rose is drinking black beer, Jack looks at her funny] Rose: What? Do you think a first class girl can't drink?
Candy Store Girl: Hey, what about the money you owe? Luther: [shouts] FOR WHAT? [Throws the stolen candy bar on the counter]
The Girls: [singing] I like to be in America, OK by me in America, everything free in America... Bernardo: [singing] For a small fee in America!
Think it is just a matter of... well look how long it took Shawn Colvin to reach the level that she has. Believe me, that girl has done everything except stand behind the cash register at Tower and take the money.
I feel my personality is richer than my bank account. So if I meet a girl, maybe first she just likes me because I'm rich. But then she's gonna get to know me and say, 'Screw the money.'
When I get recognized for 'Twilight,' it's usually a teenage girl, and they're usually really loud. So it certainly feels like I get recognized the most from that, but it could just be because of the nature of how vocal those fans are.
I'm not into 'Let's go out with one guy on a Monday and another guy on a Wednesday' - that's just not me. I'm a relationship kind of girl. I like a twosome. Some people get excited about being single. I don't.