It is precisely, if paradoxically, because reversal is in the service of repetition (so as to ensure, alongside its companion strategies, a dizzying proliferation of citations) that it gains a subversive power rather than remain a mere dependent (and...
My religious convictions and scientific views cannot at present be more specifically defined than as those of a believer in creative evolution. I desire that no public monument or work of art or inscription or sermon or ritual service commemorating m...
The Holy Spirit doesn't need to equip you for what you're not going to do, so if you're in rebellion against Jesus and refusing His right to be Lord, He doesn't need to send the Holy Spirit to equip you for service. And, tragically, you miss out on t...
Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that is in huge demand but the supply is so limited to the point that the price goes up and up, look for the regulation that is causing it. This applie...
In refugee camps around the world, I met people who were gone. They were still walking around but had lost so much that they were unable to claim any sort of identity. Others I met found who they truly were, and they generally found it through servic...
Carl Hanratty: Tell me this, Barry Allen, Secret Service. How did you know I wouldn't look in your wallet? Frank Abagnale, Jr.: The same reason the Yankees always win. Nobody can keep their eyes off the pinstripes. Carl Hanratty: The Yankees win beca...
Policeman No. 1: For a diplomat you're not a very good liar. Justin Quayle: I haven't risen very high. Sir Kenneth "Kenny" Curtiss: You're what passes for James Bond around here. Get Her Majesty's secret service to pull a few things. It's what you sp...
[Evelyn Mulwray drives while Gittes reads an obituary from the newspaper] Jake Gittes: A memorial service was held at the Mar Vista Inn today for Jasper Lamar Crabb. He passed away two weeks ago. Evelyn Mulwray: Why is that unusual? Jake Gittes: He p...
Narrator: He was *the* guerilla terrorist in the food service industry. [the Narrator looks at Tyler, who's urinating in a pot] Tyler Durden: Do not watch. I cannot go when you watch. Narrator: Apart from seasoning the lobster bisque, he farted on th...
David Frost: [Picking up the phone, thinking it's room service] I'll have a cheeseburger. Richard Nixon: [drunk] Mmm. That sounds good. I used to love cheeseburgers, but Dr. Lundgren made me give them up. He switched me to cottage cheese and pineappl...
Raoul Duke: [referring to the knife Acosta is holding] Jesus God Almighty man, where'd you get that big fucker? Dr. Gonzo: Room Service sent it up, I needed something to cut the limes, man. Raoul Duke: Limes? What limes? Dr. Gonzo: They didnt have an...
Otto West: Look, you obviously don't know anything about intelligence work, lady. It's an X-K-Red-27 technique. Wendy: My father was in the Secret Service, Mr. Manfredjinsinjin, and I know perfectly well that you don't keep the general public informe...
Conrad: This is for you. Nicholas: You shouldn't have. Conrad: What do you get for the man who has... everything? Nicholas: [reading card] "Consumer Recreation Services." Well, I do have golf clubs. Conrad: Call that number. Nicholas: Why? Conrad: Ma...
Cornelius Fudge: [just after Buckbeak's escape] We must search the grounds! Dumbledore: Search the *skies* if you must, Minister, but now I think I'll have a nice cup of tea, or a large brandy. Oh, and executioner, your services are no longer require...
Ringo: [referring to half-dressed room service waiter hiding in the wardrobe] Any of you lot put a man in the cupboard? George: Nah! Paul: Don't be soft! Ringo: Well, someone did. George: [George gets up, walks over, looks in the cupboard, then sits ...
Valentine: We each spend, on average, $2,000 a year on cell phone and Internet usage. It gives me great pleasure to announce, those days are over. As of tomorrow, every man, woman, and child can claim a free SIM card that's compatible with any cell p...
[the Prime Minister is knocking on doors to find Natalie] Harris Street old lady: Aren't you the Prime Minister? Prime Minister: Yes, in fact, I am. Merry Christmas. Harris Street old lady: Oh...! Prime Minister: Part of the service, now. Trying to g...
Pippin: Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor. In peace or war. In living or dying. F... f... from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me... or death take me. Denethor: And I shall not forget it. Nor fail to reward that which is given....
Pippin: [pulls sword from scabbard] So I imagine this is just a... ceremonial possession? I mean, they don't actually expect me to do any fighting... Do they? Gandalf: You're in the service of the Steward now. You'll have to do as you're told, Peregr...
Mayor Tilman: [talking to a reporter] If the entire Secret Service couldn't protect the President of the United States, how the HELL are *we* supposed to protect a few negroes! It is nothing more than some poor white trash drinking too much cheap alc...
DMV Clerk: I'm sorry, sir, but we don't provide motorist information to the general public. Trevor Reznik: I'm not just a member of the general public. This guy's a friend of mine. DMV Clerk: But you don't know your friend's address? Trevor Reznik: W...