Death has no right on life it is a culmination of your doing. Dying happens to disease which also is a culmination of your doing. Make sensible life choices and simply pass away, transform or transmigrate .We don't need to die in suffering. Live dise...
Success is usually the culmination of controlling failure.
Things culminate when they have to. Work comes to you when you deserve to do it.
Mountains culminate in peaks, and nations in men.
Race is a layer of being, but not a culmination.
My life is every moment of my life. It is not a culmination of the past.
Il culmine del piacere è la pura e semplice distruzione del dolore.
Sometimes waiting makes the culmination that much sweeter.
The first Apple was just a culmination of my whole life.
The March on Washington was a culmination of years of hard work and dedication of many individuals.
It is in revolutionary periods that the culmination of previous trends and the beginning of new ones appear.
A series of failures may culminate in the best possible result.
The culmination of three trophies was the pinnacle of my career and it has been rewarded with a knighthood.
All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing, war.
Purchasing the Bobcats is the culmination of my post-playing career goal of becoming the majority owner of an NBA franchise.
'Deadwood' was a magical experience. It was an absolute culmination of everything I've ever wanted to do as an actor as an artist, and I was enormously proud to have been involved with it.
We toured that record for a year, which turned out to be the culmination of ten years of being constantly on the road. We were sick to death of touring.
Election Day 2010 saw the culmination of years of aggravation and resentment toward a federal government that became disconnected and disdainful of the values and priorities of Americans.
Not having ice cream,” she proclaimed, “is the culmination of all disasters!
God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages.
The search for a Jewish national home came about due to centuries of anti-Semitic pogroms, expulsions, discrimination and hate. The Holocaust was simply the evil culmination of all that came before it.