That odd infallible sliding-like-crystal air on water that means day's left dawn for morning.
HERmioneBut frost, like the crystallized dreams of autumn, began to coat the clearing with its sugar glaze.
RedemptionSelenite occurs in abundance in well formed clear crystals of several inches in length.
George Mercer DawsonSelfish genes actually explain altruistic individuals, and to me that's crystal-clear.
Richard DawkinsIt was the hardest boyfriend I ever had to break up with [referring to crystal methamphetamines]
FergieRekindle the joy yachtsman that lies deep inside of you; share magic crystals and watch it grow!
Isabel Yosito[as Sheeta falls from the airship in the opening chase scene] Dola: Oh, no! There goes my crystal!
Castle in the SkyNEW HAIKU One breathy vowel mists the glass warming window panes crystalled with snow Robin Glasser