I think I run my strongest when I run with joy, with gratitude, with focus, with grace.
Kristin ArmstrongI think for more than half of my career, I have refrained from talking to the media.
Kathleen BattleI think as a culture, we don't like conflict or looking at icky stuff - especially in our downtime.
Kathleen HannaI like the discipline of well-cut, impeccable clothes. I think it's a very healthy discipline.
Karl LagerfeldI think children learn from example. I don't believe in raising them in an authoritative atmosphere.
Kent McCordI think the President inspires tremendous affection and loyalty by a wide range of people.
Ken StarrA lot of people preach and talk, but I think the only way to preach is to actually do things.
KieszaIf you can't write clearly, you probably don't think nearly as well as you think you do.
Kurt Vonnegut