I think our people in Britain have a normative expectation of ethical conduct.
Now I think I understand how this world can overcome a man.
I think that we're all totally isolated beings and always will be.
I think books should have secrets, like people do.
If Jesus came back today, I think he'd throw up.
I think no athlete wants to end his career on an injury.
I think Stephen Sondheim is a - and I hardly ever use this word - but this is as close as it gets to a genius.
I think by laying it out for the viewer I'm avoiding the issue of bias.
I think it's interesting to speak when you have something to say.
I think that people vibe off your energy and I'm a pretty mellow person.
Rather than knowing more, I think I've got more open-minded.
I think anybody can do any of these if they train. I don't recommend it, but anybody could do it if there was a need.
I think the killers get far too much attention.
I think of myself as more of a comic person. I don't know about a comic actor.
And if people do like me, I think it's because I'm a stand-up guy.
I think you have an obligation to share what you know as a writer.
I think an ashtray is the most fantastically real thing.
I think that casting is probably the most important thing in television production.
Ultimately, I'm about liberty and I think you have to defend it.
I think it's a Blondie tradition that all of our albums sort of have a wide spread of styles.
I try to parent equally, but I think little girls are a little more sensitive.