In general, I think I'm quick to worry about disasters of all kinds.
First round of the tournament being a Major, I think the butterflies were a little different than that.
I think I was given a gift to play golf and to be mentally strong.
I don't know, the older I get, the more complicated I think I get, which is a hindrance.
I think a lot of people in Washington are extremely suspicious of NASA.
I think the leaders inevitably express the people they are leading.
Go for Dr. Bowen as soon as you can. I think father is hurt.
I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can.
I think that what people imagine they're going through is much worse than what they are going through.
Costume is a massive thing. I think costume makes you stand differently.
I think that rather than condemning Islam, Islam needs to be studied by those who are sincere.
Sometimes I think that there's a fine line between impressionistic and messy.
I'm married to an American, and although we live in Europe, I think of myself as an honorary American.
I think in today's world we've discovered what works, silhouette-wise. A body's a body.
I think it's really hard being in a boy band. There's a lot of dynamics.
I think sometimes I don't realise how much the pressure gets to me.
I can't put into words what I think about anything.
What do they call it, Y.O.L.A., you only live once? I think people are sort of gravitating towards that.
I think the most important thing about screaming in our music is the urgency of it.
I think we can leave mullets back in the '80s. I'm really not a big fan of them.
I think in general I've never dared compose in Spanish. First of all, it is such an intricate language.