I think when it comes to Botox and surgery, actresses should do it or not do it, but be honest about their choices.
I think that some laughter comes from escaped horror, doesn't it?
If all I ever wrote about was inner city freaks, I think it would be dishonest.
I think my strongest suit is comedy. I certainly have limits in other areas.
I think I have a sense of mischief and that I can laugh at myself.
One of the ways I think I gain fodder for characters is by watching people.
I think with new president Chris Pook of CART, he is very active and strong.
Well, I think the Republican Party is the more populist party.
I think one of the problems the Democrats have today is that they are an elitist party.
I think there's something special and timeless about girls getting ready together.
And I think there is too much bloviating around from politicians.
I think you have to be respectful to the people who want to talk to you.
I think each film should be regarded as its own specific text.
I think there's a misconception that I'm opposed to social media.
I think we're always looking for an excuse to connect.
Yeah, we're sweet but savage, and I think a lot of Canadians are that way.
I think I'm going to pull a Charlie Chaplin and have kids when I'm 60.
I think it's a fallacy that the harder you practice the better you get.
I think most politicians could take a dodgeball in the face.
The short answer is, yes, I think I have become a better singer.
If I'm not mistaken, I think Data was the comic relief on the show.