I think I have a basic sound aesthetic that is in most of what I do.
I think in any writing you're paying attention to detail.
And I think the blessing of heaven is on Bush. It's just the way it is.
I think it is important to maintain your personality, your roots, very important.
I think insanity is the hardest thing to play.
I think we're doing a dreadful job of educating.
I think I'm hysterical. I watch myself on tape and just roar - isn't that weird?
I think President Obama has done more than he is given credit for.
I was basically adventurous, I think I wanted to try everything.
I think people do want to relate their entertainment to what's going on in their lives. Not everything.
All the new thinking is about loss, In this it resembles all the old thinking.
People ask, 'Are entrepreneurs born, or are they made?' I think it's a combination of both.
I hate guns, I think they're the worst thing ever invented.
I think there's an abundance of talent in America and there will never be not a lot of talent out there.
The greatest manager has a knack for making ballplayers think they are better than they think they are.
I think a film should have a gestation period of at least two or three years.
I think you have to be really lucky to pick the sort of roles you want to do.
What I wanted to do was the comedy, and I found that. I found my bliss, I think.
Sometimes I think books are the only friends worth having.
I think it all goes down to who plays the better football on the night.
I think we really almost burnt ourselves out on one record.