I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan.
I think you're confusing God with a genie.
I like the Western genre, I think it's uniquely American.
I think that there is something truly beautiful in everybody you meet.
I think you become more relatable when you're vulnerable.
I think celebrity endorsements hurt politicians.
Think of something finite molded into the infinite, and you think of man.
Instagram is a media company. I think we're about visual media.
Anger kills logical thinking and logical thinking kills anger....the choice is yours
I think all photographers fit their vision to their personality.
I think of images as an immune system and a transit system.
I think golf is literally an addiction. I'm surprised there's not Golf Anonymous.
I think woman is phenomenal, magnificent. I mean that sincerely.
Well, I think it's important to stand as an advocate for the mentally ill.
I think the merging of high and low culture is so fascinating.
I think a cosmetics company should be headed by a woman.
I think I'm past my due date. I just feel it.
I think people like it when you have a bit of personality.
What I appreciate is acknowledging to the audience that I think they have brains.
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
Yes, I think I am a genius, but not a rebel.