Think before you speak…… think before you don’t.
I think Veblen had an interest in logic.
I think envy motivates a lot of people.
I think everyone can enjoy games.
Think big or die small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think theater is a core need of a community.
I think people can believe in anything.
I think my records will always tend to be approachable.
I hate Keanu Reeves. I think he's a punk.
I think of myself as a storyteller, and that is it.
I think Eminem should use Auto-Tune.
I think journalism is important.
I think my numbers speak for themselves.
I think quotes are very dangerous things.
I think comedy is funnier when it's real.
I think I invented the phrase 'Don't overdo it.'
I think what you learn from relationships is that they are unpredictable.
I think each shoot has a different personality.
I think my wife married me for my guacamole.
I think that certainly my choices empower me.
I think it's OK to be confident in yourself.