Obviously local people will have their local voice through the police and crime commissioners that they've elected to determine their local policing.
We must be vigilant in our actions towards criminals, and innovative in our approach towards solving crime.
The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly.
Sqwaak!" from Fletcher, the environmental crime fighting parrot in The Big Belch graphic novel by Kay Wood.
I'm the hardest working person I know. I'm 20 years old - is it a crime to want to go out dancing with my friends?
Powerful states can maintain themselves only by crime, little states are virtuous only by weakness.
Armed and law-abiding citizens are a greater deterrent to violent crime than 1,000 laws passed by Congress.
You wanna get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws.
You have got to make sure there's due process for somebody that's accused of a crime. You've got make sure they're safe.
Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else.
I was a prosecutor for many years, I'm a crime victim myself, and I've tried so many cases I don't even know how many anymore.
I spent 10 years as a marketing manager. I've found my experience in the financial world invaluable background for writing about white-collar crimes.
The left sees nothing but bigotry and superstition in the popular defense of the family or in popular attitudes regarding abortion, crime, busing, and the school curriculum.
The difference between political terror and ordinary crime becomes clear during the change of regimes, in which former terrorists become well-regarded representatives of their country.
To declare that in the administration of criminal law the end justifies the means to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution.
My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.
Surveillance cameras might reduce crime - even though the evidence here is mixed - but no studies show that they result in greater happiness of everyone involved.
There's no relationship to the narrative anymore. People want their own interpretation of history. We're compartmentalizing, forgetting what came directly before, like it's not a big deal. That, to me, is a crime.
Venezuelans are tired of 14 years of promises and no results. The only things growing are inflation, murder and crime. The good indicators - production, education and jobs - are all falling.
Head Start graduates are more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to need special education, repeat a grade, or commit crimes in adolescence.
As the bull market goes on, people who take great risks achieve great rewards, seemingly without punishment. It's like crime without punishment or sex without sin.