Too much sensibility creates unhappiness and too much insensibility creates crime.
Charles Maurice de TalleyrandTo tell an ally - who is shedding blood next to you - that you can't share information is a crime.
David WarnerI have never been on the receiving end of a hate crime, or even a disparaging remark to my face.
Carol AnshawOf course, I write crime stories, and I have to describe violence and the aftermath of violence.
Jeffery DeaverHalley Reed: After all, he is an American phenomenon. Clifford Stern: Yeah, but so is acid rain.
Crimes and MisdemeanorsJudah Rosenthal: If you want a happy ending, you should go see a Hollywood movie.
Crimes and MisdemeanorsLester: I told you I'm putty in your hands. Halley: What am I gonna do with a handful of putty?
Crimes and Misdemeanors