At great, great remove sit the head of General Electric, the head of News Corp, the head of Viacom, or the head of this giant international corporation that wants these ratings.
If people want capital gains taxed more like the highest rate on income, that's a good discussion. Maybe that's the way to help close the deficit.
There is some risk to increase birth defects if you do a lot of outdoor gardening when you are pregnant. That can increase rates of toxoplasmosis.
Most women outlive their spouses. Divorce remains at record rates. It's important for a woman to be able to control her finances.
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
I was a manual labourer. I figured out really early on that the value of my life could be determined by my hourly rate as a manual labourer digging holes.
I'm here as a product of process of evolution, which doesn't make very many exceptions. And which rates life relatively cheaply.
When I go see an R-rated horror movie, I want lots of violence.
Whether you're earning $7 an hour or $700,000 a year, it's very important to protect your credit rating.
You have to slow your heart rate, stay calm. You have to shoot in between your heartbeats.
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
High school dropout rates nationally - Not enough is being done on this issue.
A movie that gets a PG-13 rating can show someone running down a street killing 27 people. And there are no repercussions.
There thus appears to be an inverse correlation between recovery and psychotherapy; the more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate.
I'm very bad at having heroes. I don't rate anyone particularly highly because I'm so snide and competitive and not very nice.
We've got to make greedy banks pass on interest rate cuts in full, and we've got to see rents coming down.
In tough economic times, desperate people do desperate things, and the abortion rate goes up.
Government does not create wealth. The major role for the government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the job rate in the United States.
Renewable energy has economic advantages that extend beyond steady, predictable electric rates - and Maine is in a good position to capitalize on those opportunities.
Researchers who examined the voting records of wine judges found that 90 percent of the time they give inconsistent ratings to a particular wine when they judge it on multiple occasions.
On average, spending time with your boss is consistently rated as the least pleasurable activity in a given day.