The crime and not the scaffold makes the shame.
To open his lips is crime in a plain citizen.
Commit a crime, and the earth is made of glass.
If I were dictator, I'd have a catch-all crime of disrespect.
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
All crimes, all hatreds, all wars can be reduced to unhappiness.
I'm so interested in the brain. I read true crime.
Ignorance is not a capital crime. It is a correctable condition.
He has committed the crime who profits by it.
O Liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!
It's interesting that these themes of crime and political corruption are always relevant.
Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children.
Crime shapes how we think about the world; it shapes social decisions that we make; it shapes our base of knowledge. But we don't talk about it intelligently.
Withheld potential is a "CRIME TO HUMANITY
I'm the Jerry Lewis of crime fiction.
The fictitious kleptomaniac's only crime was stealing imaginations
He who allows oppression shares the crime.
If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime.
Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime.
Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime.
I think money laundering is giving oxygen to organized crime.