Someone owns trillions and keeps simple. I would. Someone reads all minds and looks average. I would. Someone knows the future and doesn't tell. I would.
Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
There are all kinds of ignorance in the world. Education, learning to read and write, doesn't necessarily give us knowledge. We have to learn to use our minds to see what is really happening.
Doesn't it seem to you," asked Madame Bovary, "that the mind moves more freely in the presence of that boundless expanse, that the sight of it elevates the soul and gives rise to thoughts of the infinite and the ideal?
Benj had once said, "A man must have a care to what he puts in his mind, for when he's alone on a hillside and draws it out he'll want treasures to be his company, not regrets.
The terrors of the future will not come from the drab repressions of an encroaching bureaucracy, but from the neon lights of a thousand supermarkets, the sounds of a million automobile accidents and from the public cremation of the dead astronauts as...
How is it that there are so many minds that are incapable of understanding mathematics? ... the skeleton of our understanding, ... and actually they are the majority. ... We have here a problem that is not easy of solution, but yet must engage the at...
There was no keenness in the eyes; they seemed rather to be shedding love than making observations; they had the liquid look which tells that the mind is full of what it has to give out, rather than impressed by external objects.
None of them seemed to mind sliding around in the faeces and choking in the smoke. They were determined not to miss the opportunity of watching a foreigner make a fool of himself.
Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it.
So many men treat their wives badly, or indifferently, or with barely contained impatience. Josh doesn't mind-- no that's not right--he insists on openly showing his love and respect for me.
Two qualities are at the root of all meditation development: right effort and right aim—arousing effort to aim the mind toward the object.
If we are engaged in actions that cause pain and conflict to ourselves and others, it is impossible for the mind to become settled, collected, and focused in meditation; it is impossible for the heart to open.
So what is the truth?” Mr Umezaki had once asked him. “How do you arrive at it? How do you unravel the meaning of something that doesn’t want to be known?
But as of late, I have been consumed with the significant task of revising the latest edition of my , while alternately putting the finishing touches on my four volumes of . The latter is a rather tedious, labyrinthine undertaking...
I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too?
We cannot honor those we have lost if we lose our minds. - Charmainism
The best way to overcome depression is to work it to death. Whether it be your body or your mind, just be active and some relief you’ll find.
In a valley betwixt two hills there I stood perfectly still. In this stance I did find the most beautiful secrets of my mind
I don't know if I'm dreaming when I sleep or sleeping while I'm awake, but I have reoccurring dreams my mind cannot take
One word came to mind: pee-yew. Evan tried to place the odor; it wasn’t a heap of decayed garbage or that of a spoiled fish. Truth be told, he smelled like rotten cheese.