Capitalism was a marvel, as long as you were a capitalist.
Mind sees magic because it can be deceived when allowed by heart.
Music enables mind to compose things in the outer limit of logic.
True sportsmanship is excellence in motion!
Excellence prospers in the absence of excuses.
Motivation: to think myself successful!
Haphazard actions don’t bring results!
Education is our path to change. Minds and hearts are brightened via learning.
Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.
The mind always found its way back to baseline.
We can see for ourselves how beautiful we both are.
Happiness often makes us rather cruel.
Many so-called disorders of the mind are simply disorders of thought.
When you are stressed on pour it out, is the behaviour, most kind!
To follow God, one must be a little “out of their mind” (and “into their Spirit”).
Spell is a structured words that creates miracles in mind.
Let us remove God from the equation, shall we?
Always live your life with your biography in mind.
This is my mind's garden, I tend it; I order it. I have nothing to fear.
What's the point in having a mind if you don't use it to make judgements?
To let one into your mind was to give him or her all your secrets.