The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Always be bold in everything you do, because boldness has genius, power and magic in it which makes impossibility possible
If you want to be a genius, it's easy: All you gotta say is, 'Everything stinks.' Then, you're never wrong.
The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away.
What do you think that fish is?' Sam asked Astrid. She peered closely at the alleged fish. 'I think that's an example of ,' she said. 'Yeah?' Sam made a face. 'Do you think it's okay to eat?' Astrid sighed theatrically. ' ? Inedible? Joke, duh. Try t...
Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above both is character. It is true, of course, that a genius may, on certain lines, do more than a brave and manly fellow who is not a genius; and so, in sports, vast physical stre...
The creative processes are so mysterious.
There are no rules to creativity.
Creative freedom is a huge carrot.
As with anything creative, change is inevitable.
But life is tough and if you're creative, it's tougher.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
The choices I make - they have to be creative.
But out of limitations comes creativity.
Success is fickle, but creativity is a gift.
I love to be creative.
Your subconscious is a powerful and mysterious force which can either hold you back or help you move forward. Without its cooperation, your best goals will go unrealized; with its help, you are unbeatable.
To sum up - i f you want to be more creat ive, star t loving yoursel f enough to give yoursel f permission to fai l . In fact , bet ter yet , don' t even wor ry about winning or losing. Just DO.
It took me years to realize that I could do all kinds of drastic acts like quitting jobs, relationships, towns (or all of the above), but what showed up at the next job, relationship, & town was still ME.
Public and civic value require commitment and hard work among the core group of participants. It also requires that these groups be self-governing and submit to constraints that help them ignore distracting and entertaining material and stay focused ...
Amateurs are not afraid to make mistakes or look ridiculous in public. They're in love, so they don't hesitate to do work that others think of as silly or just plain stupid.