Dictionary - opinion expressed as truth in alphabetical order.
Tears are words the heart can't express
I'm honest about expressing my opinions. At the same time, I'm diplomatic in how I do critique things if I have a negative response.
Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.
Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.
there is no healthier drug than creativity.
Acting isn't really a creative profession. It's an interpretative one.
Surprise is where creativity comes in.
One should not confuse creativity with whining.
Creativity is a calling, a hearkening to one's spirit.
I want to do something creative, not just easy.
I definitely like creative, exciting adventures.
Now my drug is writing or acting, being creative.
Boredom always precedes a period of great creativity.
Energy is the key to creativity. Energy is the key to life.
Captivity ends when creativity begins
Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.
Lots of creativity is and should be solitary.
I'm the culinary and creative consultant for The Water Club.
Freedom is the key to creativity
Creativity dies in an indisciplined environment.