Kanye took me from a kid who listened to music to a kid who lived music.
I'm really into, like, electric pop music and dubstep, things like that.
I tend to score with songs from Western pop music.
Traveling all around the world, music sounds different.
When I think of music, I think of music in totality, complete.
It's meant to reaffirm the validity of that music - clean, minimalist, honest, classic music.
I don't care what people say. My music's, my music.
The music I turn out these days is the kind of music I want to hear myself.
Gospel music always relaxes me and calms my nerves.
Pop music should be about young people.
I like to listen to classical music... I like mainline jazz.
Live music is the cure for what ails ya.
Well, the music industry is littered with actors who belatedly came to singing.
The music industry can make you feel like a prostitute.
I've been a fan of electronic music since the beginning.
In 1955 music wasn't that important. Music was a kind of a special thing you went and did.
I mean, the genuine roots of culture is folk music.
I was touched by the magic of music. My way to communicate was through my guitar and music.
Classical music presents some of the world's most challenging pieces.
I grew up on soul music. I was a dancing little creep.
Popular music sucks so bad right now.