I had a simple goal in life: to be true to my parents and our country as an honorable son, a caring brother, and a good citizen.
Surely, if knowledge is valuable, it can never be good policy in a country far wealthier than Tuscany, to allow a genius like Mr. Dalton's, to be employed in the drudgery of elementary instruction.
I'm not a xenophobe - I think immigration is a good thing for most countries - but they transmute the foibles of their native tongues into English in a way that's difficult to figure out.
To me, country music is like the blues, but it's something very hip and - I don't want to say commercial - but it's very worldly and good listening.
We're trying to build a platform utilizing the Internet that allows the good American people to speak out about their frustration about the polarized country that we live in politically.
I don't think there is any good answer to the question why shouldn't gays and lesbians who want to serve their country be allowed to do it.
It is necessary to expose the false propaganda of the imperialists and thoroughly dispel the illusion that the imperialists will give up their positions in the colonies and dependent countries with good will.
The problem in Afghanistan is really not so much land as water. It's a dry country with ample amounts of water running through it, but not to good enough effect.
India is known for its sobriety and wisdom, balanced and sensible thinking. We need strong institutions and we need good governance in the country.
Here's a little newsflash for those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I'm going to Washington to serve this great country.
From the heaviest of the heavy to classical to country, that's what I listen to, I listen to a variety and I enjoy good music, good songs.
Corporations are like countries now, there's a king, there are serfs, there's a court, basically everything but moats. They're feudal societies, and there are good ones and bad ones.
I come from election, I come from the people. I owe gratitude to our people. I do everything for the good of the country and the people.
Despite all the gains for democracy in the world, in many countries anyone who wants to publish truths unwelcome to the government risks suppression and criminal punishment.
It's a wonderful feeling to work in a country where the government's first concern is for its people, for all its people.
We have a lot of things we give away to people who are very, very wealthy in this country. And I'm not sure that our federal government can afford that.
If all goes well, the Iraqis are going to have a country that's going to have a representative government and will be at peace with its neighbors and in the region.
America is such a nation of suppressed emotion, and when you arrive in L.A., you can smell the fear. It's the most alien country I've ever been to.
Nixon represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character almost every other country in the world has learned to fear and despise.
Polling only works in a country without a depressed, frightened populace. Where the public trusts authorities enough to tell them the truth without fear of retribution.
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.